Sunday, November 26, 2006

I am not afraid of you and I will beat your ass

is the new Yo La Tengo album. Loud. That's how it needs to be listened to... and how I'm listening to it currently.

Worth your listen as well. Reviews of albums are useless (at least for the most part). Music hits everyone differently. I mean, we can all agree on a truly terrible record, but for the most part, someone else might hate this - someone else might think it genius. I think its good. Damn good. I enjoy it. I like it loud. I like to sit and stare out my window. I like to let my mind wander down a path from which it will soon return. I like my currently dripping wet beard and the smell of myself from a fresh shower that somehow seems to mimic the repetitive lyrical quality of these new tunes. i like anticipating advent which is in itself anticpation. i like coffee black. I like to curl my toes into what others have called feet fists. i like thinking of you reading these words and wondering if i've ever done drugs or at least high on cough syrup. i like my wife's surprised face as she comes in to turn the music down. i like that writing this is tickling the part of my brain directly next to the small part that enjoys solving an algebra problem. i like... this as the 199th post as the mcblogington. wasted time? i think not. ok.

(1st song of 15 now over).

Thursday, November 23, 2006

thanksgiving '06

Of course I'm thankful this year. Much has happened: marriage, house, jobs, insurance. But that's just the American stuff. I'm pleased with who God is creating me to be. Thankful for the people and ideas and wonderful blessings - both "good" and "bad" - that he has put in my life this year. I feel older and stronger and younger and smaller all at the same time.

I enjoyed this re-telling of the "First Thanksgiving" story today. It adds the historical truth to the mythic white American TG. Hope you take the time to read it.

Enjoy relationships today. Eat til you're full. Remember the farmers who made it possible for you to eat with your family and friends!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

[thoughts spurred from recent conversations, Tolstoy & Brueggemann]

In reference to the way of non-violence:

1) one must make a commitment to the Kingdom of Peace
2) one must make a commitment to creation (thus, fellow man)
3) one must deny the power of the state

These are the big places to begin. For many, there remains an unwillingness to throw out most if not all personal and cultural baggage when attempting to fashion a new way of life. One must leave something to follow something (or someone). Though it is not always easy, especially when those people or that institution has played such a huge part in one’s experience and validated his/her milieu; one must be prepared leave the dead to bury the dead.

Only in disorientation can we create a new communal re-orientation.

well chris, i had a dream regarding the intricacies of time travel in hawaii last night...

In my head on my way to the superb coffeshop EPOCH today:

"I wonder if they'll play Tacks, the Boy Disaster?"

Well, 'it cost [me] five dollars or less' and indeed my premonition fufilled by those familiar tunes as I 'laughed like little children' to myself.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

the 5 am blues

about to go to work. don't really want to. lord - please provide. amen.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

loose thoughts after an election, conceptions of life, and Tolstoy (who is ridiculously over-quoteable)

I have friends who take great solace in the recent Democratic victories in both the House and Senate. They are excited by the possibilities of change and hopeful for a counter to the works of “Dubya.” I have friends who hope that the Republicans will continue to “support our troops” by giving more money for war and see the Dem’s as a threat to “peaceful resolution.” I have friends for whom burning flags and renouncing governments would usher in the freedom through anarchy that seems to be the only alternative to “oppressive governments.”

I have friends who ask my opinion on the subject (sort of – really they just want to know if I agree with them or not, and most of the time they just want more time to argue their side), and I am truly speechless because truly I support no such regimes of “truth.” I feel little obligation or inclination to a specific party or ideal, at least as proposed by either “majority.”

I have friends who fall in a severe minority of folks who see government as neither something to be opposed or supported. Friends who view themselves outside of governments. Friends who view themselves as participants in a Kingdom that is not relegated to a particular territory or ideal. Friends who view themselves as brothers and sisters rather than us and them. Friends who view politics, religion, psychology, economics, history, ecology, failure, authority, dinosaurs and computers as parts of a world we’re waiting upon for completion. These friends are struggling with me to compose life outside of popular thinking and ostracized visions. These friends are few and far between but comprise a little community that creates and embodies hope amidst confusing pain.

I have friends. (period) The Kingdom of God is Within Us. (period)

Saturday, November 04, 2006

the gospel according to borat

Who knew a fake-Khazakstanian reporter could reveal so much about America? Borat’s antics remain uncontrollably funny while reaching deep within America to pull out gut-wrenching commentary. Racism, bigotry, hate, obsession, & greed have never been funnier as indictments against the very people who ‘uphold’ freedom, etiquette, politics, and religion. True comedic genius that makes a discerning audience both shudder in awe and shake in laughter at the ridiculous obtuseness of the characters.

I also finished Buechner’s The Gospel and Tragedy, Comedy and Fairy Tale today. A good concept for framing the totality of the concept of the Gospel, but the book lost my attention here and there.

Borat’s movie really brought out the tragedy of America as a fantastic comedy. The entire surrealistic journey seemed very much like a modern fairy-tale or fable. In the end, the whole thing rounded out for me the multi-dimensional quality of truth. Borat the preacher? Well, probably not (he's Jewish)– but at least a really funny prophetic voice.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

i don't think i turn corners, i just go round the turntable

well, i have been jobless for a while now. tomorrow i train for my new job at thunderbird coffee that opens on monday morning. i'll be there (notso) bright and early at 5:45am. should be cool, but as with any period of unemployment, freedom is nice and going back to work is a bit difficult. but i'm sure it will be good for me (and me wife).

thanks to this wonderful man, a website should be finished here soon: clamness creations. (yes clamness, not calmness) hopefully clamness will be a place to simply create. whether that creation be narrative or documentary or writing, who knows; but i'm feeling the energy again (after being 'burnt' out and ready to learn more about myself and my world after college). clamness sprang out of a quote from dorothy sayers... she says that some people have sneeringly said that if a clam were to invision a god, that that god would look like a clam because that's all that clams are capable of. similarly the same is true with humans - we envision god as a man. taken from the opposite direction, if god wants to reveal himself to clams the only way he can do it fully is by becoming perfect in 'clamhood' or - clamness. the idea is that the creation reflects the creator. thus, anything i create should reflect well on me and on my creator. the imagery inspired me, but i'm not sure if i've explained it too well :)

as a bonus - i create because in god's image, i was created to create as god does. i am not god, but participate with him in the creation of his kingdom daily in word and deed, thought and action - opening up the kingdom within me, uniting and sharing with my world. create. obey. creation as sacrament.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

not sure what to do with this

why we fight

why do these movies give me so much trouble?

greg knew i would like this movie and had been wanting me to see it for a while. though i feel totally at odds as to what (if anything) to do with it, i recommend it to all.