[thoughts spurred from recent conversations, Tolstoy & Brueggemann]
In reference to the way of non-violence:
1) one must make a commitment to the Kingdom of Peace
2) one must make a commitment to creation (thus, fellow man)
3) one must deny the power of the state
These are the big places to begin. For many, there remains an unwillingness to throw out most if not all personal and cultural baggage when attempting to fashion a new way of life. One must leave something to follow something (or someone). Though it is not always easy, especially when those people or that institution has played such a huge part in one’s experience and validated his/her milieu; one must be prepared leave the dead to bury the dead.
Only in disorientation can we create a new communal re-orientation.
hey sean -
good stuff here.
So tell me, is this where Troy was going in that breakout session that both you and I were part of at the Emergent Gathering? There was much about that session that I tried to wrestle with, but so much that confused me. I was intrigued by the "disorientation/ re-orientation" thought ... but more confused when he wanted to hear us explain exactly how that was working in our communities. I was (and still am) just trying to understand the language.
Can you expound? I haven't read any Brueggemann!
-shaun in dallas
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