loose thoughts after an election, conceptions of life, and Tolstoy (who is ridiculously over-quoteable)
I have friends who take great solace in the recent Democratic victories in both the House and Senate. They are excited by the possibilities of change and hopeful for a counter to the works of “Dubya.” I have friends who hope that the Republicans will continue to “support our troops” by giving more money for war and see the Dem’s as a threat to “peaceful resolution.” I have friends for whom burning flags and renouncing governments would usher in the freedom through anarchy that seems to be the only alternative to “oppressive governments.”
I have friends who ask my opinion on the subject (sort of – really they just want to know if I agree with them or not, and most of the time they just want more time to argue their side), and I am truly speechless because truly I support no such regimes of “truth.” I feel little obligation or inclination to a specific party or ideal, at least as proposed by either “majority.”
I have friends who fall in a severe minority of folks who see government as neither something to be opposed or supported. Friends who view themselves outside of governments. Friends who view themselves as participants in a Kingdom that is not relegated to a particular territory or ideal. Friends who view themselves as brothers and sisters rather than us and them. Friends who view politics, religion, psychology, economics, history, ecology, failure, authority, dinosaurs and computers as parts of a world we’re waiting upon for completion. These friends are struggling with me to compose life outside of popular thinking and ostracized visions. These friends are few and far between but comprise a little community that creates and embodies hope amidst confusing pain.
I have friends. (period) The Kingdom of God is Within Us. (period)
in low places
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