“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8
What can innocence see that we can not? Can it truly be that the innocence found in Christ gives us new eyes? I have many questions and few answers. Desperation to see God’s face is also exasperation for the souls lost amidst this depraved world.
Last week’s journey to Camp Barnabas – a special needs camp in Missouri – proved to be amazing. The campers for this particular week suffer from Downs Syndrome, Autism Spectrum, and developmental delays. Everyday, the Autistic campers never ceased to fascinate me. Most of the time, they are in their own world and desire to stay there, but every once in a while – they come out. You get to see the self that’s guarded so heavily behind the different wiring in their brain. They look at you, acknowledge you, seem to enjoy your presence. Some highlights from the week:
- Louis (10) – non-verbal and his yellow, rubber snake: a joyful pair
- Jonathan (10) – speaks and speaks about ear surgery faster than the MicroMachines man, yet can not put on his shoes
- James (16) – runs and walks, nonverbal – yet loved to be pushed around in his stroller by Michael, for whom he shed a tear and to whom he said “bye” at the end of the week
- Leah (16) – mental age 2, missed mommy so badly yet sings praises to God like an angel
- Joseph (13) – sibling of a special needs child; came out of his shell by allowing me and others to enter his wounded, closed off world
What a great world it was to see God's in the lives of so many of the campers. To see his powerful hand so strongly upon them. To watch them struggle day in and out and know that I am blessed with a "normal" life for no reason outside of God's good pleasure.
Yet, my theology needed pondering after leaving camp. How/ why does God allow them to be captured by their own bodies? In Jesus day, many of the same symptoms suffered by the Autistic kids were said to belong to those suffering from demon possession. Demon possession is closely associated with healing. Many demon-possessed were violent, some mute. Just looking through the Gospels causes me to wonder whether Jesus call to heal and cast out demons is a call to arms; a command to search the world for those in need of freedom. Can it be that some of the kids to whom we were sent to minister are truly imprisoned ministers of the devil? I think it very possible.
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