a foray into the net again
A mild intro into summer - thus far.
Tonite Schwarz by mine own hand
I decide to write...
This blog is really a little place to catalogue and organize my thoughts. Thoughts, which have been so befuddled that I've tried to distance myself from analyzing and compounding the menutia of life and just relax myself. A large part of that process has been reading the entire Harry Potter series, which I began just after my last post and finished last week. Yep - all six of them... Truly fun to read and eagerly awaiting the 5th movie and 7th book. Geeky if you haven't read them, wonderful if you have.

A movie, one day.
A bar, one day.
Not everything has to (or will) happen now.
The old CM peeps have been making their way out of the woodwork lately to come to the Thursday night Draught Housing... Somethings are amazing. God works in funny ways and brings people together when they need each other the most. Most of the group is insecure about the "future" (ie - the next job they'll have) and feel out of place, disconnected and lonely. Thus the time at the pub has become a chance to just chill wihout having to be cool or act like you have your shit together. A place where people listen and encourage each other. Who'd have thought that after constant invitations for 2 years, sometimes the unexplainable happens and true friendships fight their way past rocky surfaces, superficiality, and into the light of fresh dew - anticipating the new day.
The coffee shop is easier to handle when I remember to see it as an ensemble cast who wear many distinct faces; faces that develop richer colors and deeper wrinkles and bare more scars and shine brighter everytime I learn something new about the people behind that wear them. Genuine routine has a way of bringing people together. (ask the monastics)
I suppose that's all I want to say for now.