Though it snuck up on me, I'm excited about Lent this year. Lent requires taken stock in oneself, realizing some bad habits, and making a change. Seems simple enough.
Mel and I have decided to give "up" eating out for Lent. We'll be cooking at home or dining with others at their residences. Since everything it seems has a caveat, this restriction excludes (this is how lawyers talk - I'm feeling the Pharisaic double speak already) coffee and beer at the local shop or pub, but includes a bagel or pastry. Watch out!

So in addition to giving something up, I'm giving something "down." Whatever the term is, I'll be attempting to read for one hour a day, everyday of Lent. This may be easy for some of you, but this will be a great discipline for me since I have the tendency to read only on certain days of the week (like my days off). The picture is some of the books I'm hoping to knock out.
As a house we'll be reading a walk through Lent with Henri Nouwen book together in the evenings. Now that I'm finally geared up, the challenges and freshness of this communal Christian season excite me greatly.