Friday, October 27, 2006

for the record:

yes, i did receive the building plan packet in the mail.

yes, i am opposed to it on multiple levels.

yes, i am open to talking about it because standing in front of the church with a sign that voices my opposition seems a bit harsh (but that was the first thing that came to mind).


At 6:44 PM, Blogger Nate Custer said...

It only sounds a bit harsh to me ...

At 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I received it too; it made me feel weird.

At 8:46 AM, Blogger mcblogington said...

yes, this is the church i attended throughout most of college and worked on paid staff for a year with the youth. my leaving was not easy, nor have i forgotten the many wonderful folks there. it saddens me that a few "hypnotizing" & "deceiving" people (though they may think its in the best interests of the 'church') can lead the the many astray.
my prayer is that this "campaign" would be openly debated and (perhaps or perhaps not) supported rather than privately funded and managed behind commitment envelopes and closed doors.

At 3:25 PM, Blogger sean and mel said...

first thing that came to my mind was "remember, remember, the 5th of november"

At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know, the fact that they are trying to pay off a million dollars in debt, plus the next several million dollars to build a big stone box, just blows my mind.

"your building on a firm foundation pledge should be above and beyond your regular tithes and offerings." ha. beyond what you already give in order to pay outrageious air conditioning bills, don't give your money to people who are truly in need... give your money to us church folk who want to have a bigger "church" so we can save the world... or just feel better about ourselves.


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