Wednesday, August 17, 2005


The time, in months, it took me to "read through the Bible in a year," from Genesis to Revelation in chronological order.

I learned a ton about the creation (the setting) and seperation (the conflict) and Israel, kings, convenants, wars, prophets, temples, miracles, controversies, cultures (the characters & rising action) and how God remains faithful amidst it all. To be honest, there's really too much to even think about writing in a single, pithy blog. But - more than anything else - i mean if I really had to sum it all up - I suppose this is what this first read through the Bible has helped me re-experience the most:

Jesus lived & lives (the climax).

Seriously. Despite all of the crap man is and does, God never ceases throughout the scriptures to love unconditionally. After trudging through the OT, Jesus lineage was exciting for the first time. Listening to his family line, wrought with human frailty, magnificently build up to that point in history where God himself humbly came to earth to save his creation. He became an ant to save ants. He exemplified love daily in ways we as people had never known. He made sense of everything prior and fuels the everything after. He walked among us. He wants us to do the same (the falling action) until He returns again (the divine resolution).

Next time I'd like to read/listen to God's story aloud from the Message. That might begin on the first day of the new year if anyone is interested.


At 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey mcblogington, i guess my memory serves me better than i thought when it came to trying to remeber what your name was. I would like to read the message outloud with you... but heres alittle twist since im moving away, why don't we do it...over the internet! jk ha ha

Anyways i liked your post and the good vibrations post and the silver post... so i guess this is my way of saying Eprops?


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