Friday, July 01, 2005


A single ray of light tingles the tip of a yellow surfboard standing in the sand. The waves tumble louder as the young surfer grabs his board and runs towards the water. Each day, he rises early in hopes of catching that one great king wave that will not only take him into shore but nurture the inner longing – that single aqueous navigation that unifies self and nature all in one faithfully eternal instant.
One day, the blue, reds and blacks made their way made their way out to the beach on a slightly overcast morning. The yellow board remained stationed firmly in the sand while the young surfer stayed in bed, asleep. That day the great king came to take them away to the paradise only a skilled surfer will ever understand or appreciate. The wistfully alluring gem of a wave for which they patiently awaited came and went whilst the young one slept.
For you do not know the day or the hour, nor does the coming depend on you. Stay awake that you might not miss the coming King.


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