Sunday, March 06, 2005

2.26 - 3.5

the first week in the abbey wasn't limited to but included some of the following ( for some more info):

- morning prayer
- abbey ale
- manual labor
- communion
- observation
- conversation
- indo exercise
- tea/coffee
- ritual dance (to "i got food")
- solitude
- adjustment
- laughter
- visitors/inquisitors

these aspects tangibly shape an indescribably richer, deeper and more beautiful picture of living in true "community" than society or even the church has made it out to be. this be my "churchhome" - no hyphen, no seperation, no gap between faith and life. in only one week, what was only theory before makes great sense. thank you abbots for inviting me inside your lives.


At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you, mcbloginton, for being our first housemate. your presence is warming, and my kid loves you to pieces.


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