Friday, July 09, 2004

rolling on the river...

“In my two days in that town I never heard an unkind word or criticism of anyone. The love, unity and fellowship I saw there are only possible in the power of the Holy Spirit. I am quite prepared for God to perform miracles in the twentieth century.”
- visitor to Yugoslavia, upon seeing the results of teens loving each other

The river yesterday was close to arctic in the morning. Yet, an entire day of tubing awaited our group. We jumped in and began our journey down the Comal River together. Smiles, splashing, jokes, surfing the tube, just chillin’ out in God’s creation. Twas a wonderful time to be perfectly honest. I caught some good rays (maybe a bit too many seeing as I aloe-vera’d about 8 times last night), talked to many a student and leader, enjoyed a most excellent turkey sandwich for lunch, and drove back worn out. At the end of the day, this was one of the best times we’ve had together all summer.

As I read this quote this morning from Celtic Daily Prayer, It reminded me of our time yesterday. As a community of “tuber’s” we were able to have a total unity of the Spirit. Seemed to me that tubin’ was one of the greatest fellowships we’d had all summer. New people meeting each other while floating, giving kind words to the passersby, checking up on each others’ lives – all while “wasting” time on the river.

Based on the definition of church I’ve come to love – church as the “called out ones.” We definitely had church yesterday. We floated as a body of believers with unity in the Spirit. It wasn’t just another HS event. Rather it was people who love the Lord interacting, living, sharing with each like the first century Christians. We are the body of Christ. Amidst the world, anyone could pick us out on the river. I don’t think anyone stopped smiling the entire time, we had more fun on that river as Christians than anyone who is not a Christian.

Why can’t this happen everyday? In our homes, schools, sports teams. Why won’t we step up and live like Christ at all times? Many times we just won’t accept the fact that we are the body of Christ – which gives us the courage to do so. Band together with friends who desire to live for more than this world has to offer. Ask your non-Christian friends to float the river and just talk to them about their lives. Don’t just invite them to church. Understand that you can ask them to float the river and encourage them in Christ right there on the water with your very life. Be Christ to them in all areas of your life. Just Be. They world will understand.

If people were to catch a vision of Christ to transform their world, I have no doubt that, as was the case in Yugoslavia, many would come to know Christ, the churches would be filled with people everyday, miracles would be rampant, and a country would never BE the same way again.


At 8:50 PM, Blogger gdwill said...

say what you want to about mcblogington, but he is one fast learner. the speed with which I have witnessed your longings for God's Glory spill over into a burden to BE the bearer of God's Glory in the world (incarnation) is inspiring.

The River is love. The River is peace.

And now we must learn how to live on the River, even when the River is not manifestly visible. Take the picture you have seen this day on the Comal and never stopping floating, hen.


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