Tuesday, July 13, 2004


Bees get a bad wrap due to their stingers, but really – they’re just trying to do their jobs. We can really learn from them. Come to find out, they truly live in community. They familiarize themselves with their surroundings three weeks after thier birth. The entire purpose of the worker bees is to fly from the hive and pollinate (nice “buzz”word – oh, the puns) flowers for the good of the hive. They actively engage their world and come back to the hive for rejuvenation and strength and to report their findings in the outside world by doing a little dance to point other bees to the good nectar. They point other bees to places that are good for food and help the entire community.

Though we are not bees, in a call to BE Christ to our world, we can learn a lot from the insects. They live and work together in harmony. They engage and transform their world as part of a system that is greater than themselves. They dance (something we should all do more often). They reproduce, creating disciple-making bees (it’s a stretch, but that’s ok). They enjoy their daily task because that is what God created them to do.

Learn. Engage. Live. Pollinate. Commune.



At 12:27 PM, Blogger gdwill said...

Honored that this word picture was penned at my hive.

At 8:31 PM, Blogger a margrave said...

hey, did you see good nectar last night? they really rocked the place. i've got all their albums. "world bee free," "this buzz for you" and "a hive in hand is worth a bushel of honey" are three of my favorite songs. when they play their cover of "let it bee" the crowd is abuzz for sure. look out for their new ablum, when the workers unite, coming out soon. brilliant stuff, hen. courageously henful.


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