Tuesday, October 12, 2004

midday gift

Not a dark, rather a muted lighter blue. Not imposing or awe-inspiring, just there – for me. A little piece of blue sky, for me. Clouds pass through this small gift, carried by the breeze that tickles my curled toes. Just cool enough to enjoy not wearing socks, though still chilled by the incoming autumn. The trees sway to and fro in the amidst my little piece of sky. The wind constantly changing the view, yet the unbackground blue remains the mainstay – the constant amidst the passerby clouds and undulating branches. God’s little gift to me: A small piece of sky, my sky. Not for any particular reason, just because God loves me.

However people want to meet God is fine with me. Church is merely me, you, and everyone else saved by God’s loving grace. If you love to fish, by all means – meet God at the water. If you interact with concerts in such a way that propels you into God’s presence, listen to as many as you can. If engaging with people in conversation leads you to God, then do it. If you find God at church, go there. Do that.

Our culture: whatever is good for you, then do it. I agree. I agree as long as your ultimate joy and pleasure is in God. May we never forget that lying beyond our little piece of sky is more than we can joyfully imagine or pleasurably dream.


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