Monday, October 11, 2004

Fresh inside. Ancient convictions.

Careful, steady hands work confidently upon the open grey mass. The fingers tirelessly remove the slightly darker imperfections that have wedged their way between the convolutions. With each extraction the mass groans softly, though the pain occurs only in the mind. Quickly, the convoluted matter deepens, ever transforming with every amputation of a formerly accepted anomaly.

Thumps slow to an imperceptible rhythm. The beat must change. The life-long palpitation permanently assuaged, in assurance of healthy living. A shift for the ages to shape the times. A departure from the norm for creating the quo. The pulse grows stronger in the streets; others running to the beat.

Dying to live for the newness of the day requires recognition and submission to the Creator of the Way. He alone replaces tradition with reformation. The same Man who gave new eyes to the blind has given new eyes for the times, both then and now.

Removing the ancient from inside, fresh convictions on “New” Truth.

If you’re interested, please ask. Questions are what I’m into right now.


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